Logo Oko Amsterdam
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Oko Amsterdam Logo

The fast fashion industry currently releases ten per cent of the annual global carbon emissions. The impacts from the industry include over ninety million tonnes of waste produced and eighty trillion litres of freshwater consumed per year. Furthermore, a large part of fast fashion is produced under inhuman working conditions. (United Nations, 2019)


When fashion continues on its current path, it will further increase its world’s carbon footprint by 50% by 2030.

Organic and Fair

Our aim is to continuously improve our positive impact on society and the environment by fostering organic production and fair labour conditions in environments where fast fashion giants are still dominating. Thus, the goal is not only to minimise the negative impact but also to contribute to positive change in the industry. By offering affordable and fair fashion, we try to safeguard rather than exploit the planet’s resources and people and make sustainable products available for everyone.

© Lea Benz Design 2021
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